”By automating repetitive tasks, Hercules AI has significantly improved PE notices processing speed and accuracy for our company. We are looking forward to deploying their AI-powered solutions to fix our other complex workflows.”

Global COO, Large Wealth Management Company


Extraction of complex data from privacy sensitive, long-form documents

This large wealth management company was looking to streamline their private equity (PE) notices operations by automating document processing tasks using an AI-powered solution. Return on investment, data security, and compliance were the primary objectives.



Every month, the wealth management company processes thousands of PE notices from their clients. Their skilled staff manually review these notices to extract critical data for fund performance and investment analytics.

Slow & prone to errors

The process of extracting data from these long, unstructured documents is complex and can take the team several days to analyze. The workflow is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and prone to errors.

High cost, limited scalability

Analysts are burdened with repetitive, low-value tasks — wasting valuable resources for the organization. As client base grows, the human element is also a bottleneck to efficient scaling of the business.


The solution provided by Hercules is an AI-powered document intelligence application specifically designed for PE and wealth management companies. The application intelligently processes PE notices, extracts relevant data, applies business logic, and routes it to the right place to calculate fund performance and investment metrics.

Unique features

  • Automated intelligent data extraction from documents 
  • Real-time verification and reconciliation of notices 
  • Adaptive pipeline based on document typology 
  • Thousands of documents processed in just minutes 
  • Deployment in the virtual private cloud (VPC) or on-premise for 100% security and privacy 
  • Hybrid CPU/GPU architecture for cost optimization 
  • Human-in-the-loop (HITL) for validation & export automation 
  • Muti-format support (PDF, Word, Excel, emails, etc.)


Since deploying Hercules AI, the customer has seen a significant improvement in analyst productivity, reduction in PE notice processing time, and enhanced accuracy of financial data used for calculating critical investment metrics.

The customer has achieved substantial operational cost savings by reallocating analysts from repetitive tasks to more strategic roles.


Productivity Improvement


Reduction in Labor Cost


Typical customer ROI

Trusted by leading companies

Why Hercules AI?

Recognizing its challenges, the wealth management company was looking for a solution that would dramatically reduce human involvement in this data-heavy workflow, enhance processing speed, and significantly improve data extraction accuracy. They found all these and more with Hercules AI.

  • Security: Hercules AI works completely inside the customer’s security perimeter and follows their privacy policies. Sensitive data or models are never sent outside.
  • Use-case scalability: With a template-agnostic approach to document extraction and processing, Hercules AI ensures that new types of documents never require retraining of the AI.
  • Cost of ownership: Hercules AI uses central processing units (CPU) for inferencing, which allows for efficient scaling as demand increases. This design also helps keep ownership costs low and ensures a higher return on investment (ROI).