Powerful and scalable
AI-powered invoice data validation
for Contingent Workforce Management


Ensuring invoices are in compliance with contract terms and fees is crucial for contingent workforce management. Contract complexities and manual enforcement hinder proactive compliance. Reactive efforts are prone to errors and often miss fee violations, risking audit failures, invoice delays, and revenue loss.



ZERO’s AI intelligently extracts contract terms, identifies potential violations, and learns from analyst input.

Using our solution, a leading global Contingent Workforce Management firm eliminated manual enforcement of invoice compliance, improving invoicing accuracy. They proactively prevented overpayments and accidental overcharges.  This helped them avoid revenue losses and maintain strong client relationships.


Key Features

  • Intelligent rules extraction using LLMs from multiple contract types such as MSA, SOWs, annexes, and amendments
  • Fee violation detection such as markups, managed service provider (MSP) fees, and overtime/double time modifiers
  • AI flags fee noncompliance in invoices data and suggests recommendations on how to fix the errors per contract terms

Trusted by the world's leading companies

With 8,000 AI instances deployed, our customers include Fortune 500 corporations and industry leaders.

Powered by industry-leading technology

This solution is powered by Hercules, our proprietary Generative AI engine considered to be one of the most advanced in the industry. We can deploy in under 8 weeks, while ensuring all your compliance and security requirements.

Key Features

  • Secure: Our AI application works completely inside the enterprise security perimeter and follows your privacy policies. Sensitive data or models are never sent outside.
  • High Quality AI: Our multi-layered approach eliminates AI hallucinations, delivering precise and reliable outcomes.
  • Easy to Deploy: Our end-to-end solution is easy to deploy and runs on top of your existing systems. This enables faster return on investment from the first day.
  • Cost Efficient: Your existing infrastructure is utilized to keep ownership costs low and ROI high.


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